Year 5 2024 - 2025

"Do everything in love” 1 Corinthians 16:14


Learning to love, loving to learn

Welcome to Year 5


Our staff

Mrs Haslam is our class teacher and Mrs Skitt and Mrs Furnival will be supporting our learning.

The following information tells you a little more about the coming term in Year 5 and your child's learning. However, if you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

General information

  • Please tie back long hair.
  • Please have a bottle of water at school every day. This can be refilled as necessary.
  • Please bring a small school bag, reading book and homework record every day (if relevant to your child).
  • Please return your homework on or before Wednesday for marking. Homework will be sent out on a Friday.
  • All school uniform needs to be named but particularly jumpers and cardigans.
  • A full PE kit should be in school at all times, consisting of black shorts, white t-shirts and trainers. Jogging bottoms/leggings can be added as the weather gets colder.

PE is timetabled for Thursday during Autumn 1. We will be swimming on Wednesday, leaving school at 9.10. Please ensure children have a swimming costume and towel in a separate bag. 


Autumn Half Term 1 2024


Our Christian Values

During the first Autumn half term, our Christian value is Love.

“We love each other because he loved us first.” 1 John 4:19


Our roles and responsibilities

***Photos coming soon!***


Meet our school councillors, junior safety officers and etho group. 

Love of reading

Our class novel is 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q Rauf.



Our weekly routine will include learning writing skills, spelling and grammar, handwriting and guided reading sessions. Daily reading at home continues to be essential and we would ask that you question your child regularly on the book they are reading to develop a deeper understanding of a range of texts, to develop new vocabulary and strengthen writing skills.


In our first half term we will use 'Queen of the Falls' by Chris Van Allsburg to develop our writing skills and write our own series of diaries about significant events in Annie Edson Taylor’s life. 

queen of the falls.jpg


Our Guided Reading text will be 'Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls' by Eleni Favilli and Francesca Cavallo.

gr book aut 1.png


We will continue to use Pathways to Spell as part of our English lessons to develop spelling strategies and learn spelling rules, as well as the essential Y5/6 words.


As mathematicians, the children will learn through concrete experiences moving onto pictorial and abstract methods as their confidence builds. They will also be expected to use their learning to reason about maths and solve problems. 

During the autumn term we will focus on Place Value and the four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


As scientists, we aim to develop our knowledge and understanding, scientific skills and measuring and recording abilities. This half term we will be investigating living things and their habitats. This will extend our knowledge from earlier in Key Stage 2 as we describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird. We will also describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.


As geographers, we will use the knowledge from our English texts and continue to explore the Americas through our topic on North and South America. We will learn about the diversity of landscapes across these continents as well as comparing climates, populations, economy and diversity of wildlife.


For RE we will continue to use the Questful RE planning. This half term we will explore the Bible and the Holy Books of some other faiths. We will ask many questions, including:

  • How and why is the Bible read and used by Christians?
  • Do you need a Bible to be a Christian?
  • Why do Christians believe that the Bible is holy?
  • Why is the Bible a best seller?
  • Why are there so many versions of the Bible?


Courageous Advocacy

As we continue to live our lives and act out the teachings of Jesus, we will look to be courageous advocates and challenge big questions around Fair Trade.


Our PE will concentrate on invasion games with the intent of scoring, as well as continuing to progress our swimming skills.

Art and DT

As artists, we will look at colour theory and pattern as we explore being fashion designers. We will study Expressionist art, including that of Piet Mondrian, to see how they influenced the design of patterns used in fabrics. We will then create our own abstract designs.


In PHSE, we will follow the Heartsmart scheme. This will start with us reminding ourselves about the importance of keeping our emotional and mental heart healthy. 


As musicians, we will be using Charanga to explore different music genres and new terminology. We will be learning about what a melody (or a tune) is and about how 'melody' contrasts with 'harmony'. 


As linguists, we will learn how to read, write and say phrases for telling the time, revising and extending our knowledge of numbers in French and learning how to apply the adjectives for small and large. 


For the first half term we will learn about systems and networks.


Homework will be sent out on Friday to be returned on or before the following Wednesday.  We expect each piece to take about 30 minutes.  Please come and see us if there are any difficulties or write a note on the piece of work. It is important to complete each piece as they will either build on taught skills or pre teach skills ready for the following week.


Possible trips & visitors

We are currently exploring possibilities for trips across the year. 




Year 5: News items

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Year 5: Gallery items

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Year 5: Calendar items

Family Assembly, by Mrs Roberts

Inset Day, by Mrs Roberts