

At St Mary's we firmly believe that regular school attendance is essential for the educational progress and overall wellbeing of our pupils. We hope that this letter helps you to keep in mind the key aspects of our attendance policy. For children to progress it is vital that they attend school on time, every day.  Children who frequently miss school often fall behind and there is a strong connection between attendance and achievement at school. Absence is proven to have a significantly negative impact upon a child's educational attainment and future opportunities in life.  Parents have a legal responsibility to make sure that children are in school, on time every day.

Why regular attendance matters

How to report unplanned absences

Consistent school attendance allows your child to:

  • Fully engage in learning and make academic progress

  • Develop critical social skills by interacting with their friends and teachers

  • Grow in confidence in a supportive and nurturing school environment

  • Build a sense of routine and responsibility, essential for future success

Attendance support

We understand that some pupils may face challenges that impact their attendance. We are here to provide support and guidance to pupils and families in such situations. If you encounter any difficulties related to attendance, please don't hesitate to contact for support.

Acceptable reasons for absence

We recognise that there are circumstances where a pupil's absence can't be avoided.

Acceptable reasons for being absent from school include:

  • Illness: when your child is unwell, either physically or mentally, and unable to attend school

  • Medical appointments: if your child has a medical appointment that cannot be scheduled outside school hours, please notify us in advance and provide relevant documentation (e.g. an appointment card)

  • Religious observance: we respect the diverse cultural and religious backgrounds of our society. If your child needs to be absent for religious observance, please submit a request and the headteacher will review and approve the absence.

  • Exceptional circumstances: in exceptional situations, such as family emergencies or unforeseen events, please contact the school immediately to discuss the absence.

In the event of an unplanned absence, we request you follow these steps:

  • Contact the school: on the day of the absence, please call the school office before 9am to inform us about your child's absence.

  • Alternatively you can email the school office.

  • Provide a reason for absence: please provide a brief explanation for the absence, such as illness or family emergency, to help us maintain accurate records.

Term-time holidays

Term-time holidays are not authorised during the school year. Absences due to term-time holidays are disruptive to learning and lead to missed opportunities in the classroom.

However, we recognise that there may be exceptional circumstances that require a term-time holiday. To ensure a consistent and fair approach all term time holidays will be unauthorised. Please be aware that prolonged periods of absence due to holidays may mean that your child's overall attendance drops below 90% when they are categorised as persistently absent.

Rewards for good attendance

We value and recognise good attendance at St Mary's.

Any class with over 94% at the end of each half term is rewarded with a special treat. Your child needs to play a part in this.