Year 4 2024 - 2025

Year 4 2024 - 2025

"Do everything in love” 1 Corinthians 16:14


Learning to love, loving to learn

Welcome to Year 4

Our staff

Mrs Orton is our class teacher and Miss Roberts and Mrs Furnival will be supporting your children's learning this year.


The following information tells you a little more about the work and activities we will be doing in Year 4. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


General information

  • Please kindly ensure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times.
  • Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
  • Homework will be given out on Fridays and we would ask you to kindly ensure it is returned to school on or before the following Wednesday for marking.
  • Please read with your child at home and record their learning in their reading diary. Please kindly ensure reading diaries are brought to school on Fridays for marking.


Spring Half Term 2


Mrs Orton, Miss Roberts and Mrs Furnival are looking forward to welcoming your children back after the February half term holidays. 


Please find below some information regarding what topics the children will be exploring this half term:


Our Christian Values

During the second half of the Spring term, our Christian value is 'Courage'.



In our RE lessons, we will be studying the Easter story and reflecting on the elements of both betrayal and trust within the story. 




During our reading lessons, will be using Pathways to Read to teach children specific reading strategies. This half term, we will be reading 'Ariki and the Island of Wonders' by Nicola Davies.  




This half term, the children will be using the book 'When the Giant Stirred' by Celia Godkin to write their own adventure story. 

When the Giant Stirred: Legend of a Volcanic Island: Celia Godkin ...


We will continue to use Pathways to Spell as part of our English lessons to develop spelling strategies and learn spelling rules, as well as the Y3/4 spelling words. 



In maths, the children will learn through concrete experiences, moving onto pictorial and abstract methods as their confidence builds. They will also be encouraged to use their learning to reason about maths and solve problems. 

Our focus for the Spring term will be multiplication, place value and fractions.

Towards the end of Year 4, the children will undertake a Times Tables test. We will do lots of work with the children in class to help them learn their tables and we will continue to set weekly times table practice tasks for homework. If you would like any advice regarding how you can further support your child at home, please don't hesitate to ask.



This term, the children will be studying the human digestive system and the names and functions of each organ. We will also be learning about teeth and conducting experiments to discover the importance of looking after our teeth. Towards the end of this term, we will start exploring food chains and food webs and the impact they have on the environment and indeed our own lives.  



Our history topic for this half term will by the Vikings. We will be using our knowledge of the Anglo Saxons learned in the Autumn term and exploring the impact the Vikings had on life in the UK. 



In our DT lessons, the children will be studying pneumatics and hydraulics and will be using their knowledge at the end of the unit to design and create their own pneumatic toys.



Our PE lessons will continue to promote a healthy lifestyle. This half term, the children will be participating in outdoor adventure activities with a view to enhancing their team building and decision making skills. 


Courageous Advocacy

As we continue to live our lives and act out the teachings of Jesus, we will look to be courageous advocates and promote good mental health and support children less fortunate than ourselves. 



In PHSE, we will continue to learn about the importance of mental wellbeing and will learn further strategies to keep our minds healthy. We will be following the school value of 'COURAGE' in our PSHE lessons. 



This term, we will be using Charanga for our music lessons. We will ask ourselves how music improves our world and compose pieces to try to connect with our spiritual selves.



In our French lessons, we will be building on the knowledge and vocabulary we have already learned and delving deeper into the animal kingdom. We already know the names of some animals in French and this half term, we will be looking at their lifestyles and their habitats.  



Computing lessons are crucial in this increasingly digital age. This half term, the children will learn how to safely manage their online information.



Homework will be sent out on a Friday to be returned on or before the following Wednesday.

We expect each piece to take around 15-20 minutes. If you have any questions or queries, please come and see us or write a note on the piece of work. Homework will be designed to either build on skills taught in class or pre teach knowledge or skills for the following week. Therefore, we appreciate your support with this important part of your child's learning journey.


Pettypool residential

This term, Year 4 are going on an overnight residential at Pettypool Outdoor Education Centre. 

Key dates for your diary:

  • Thursday 13th March at 3:15pm - Information meeting for parents and carers
  • Friday 28th March - Deadline for payment for the trip
  • Thursday 3th - Friday 4th March - Residential

Here is a selection of photographs of Pettypool to give you an insight into how much fun your children are going to have. Can you spot Mrs Orton facing her fear of heights? :-)


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ZZ Petty 13.jpg

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Year 4: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 4: Calendar items

Family Assembly, by Mrs Roberts