Year Three

Year Three Home Learning tasks:

Home Learning 10/1/25

Good morning Year 3! Hope you're all well and ready for another day of home learning! We are really missing you and can't wait to see you all on Monday! Until then, stay warm and safe! Lots of love Miss Elwell, Mrs R & Miss Roberts.

Maths - fractions


Complete your five part story from yesterday.

Then, we would like you to edit and improve your work.

First, check spellings with a dictionary, manual or online.

After that, use a thesaurus for more interesting vocabulary (find a word in your work that you would like to change and use the thesaurus to find a synonym). You can use an online thesaurus, you can also use this to look for alternatives for said.

Check, do you have capital letters and full stops in each sentence? Have you used your inverted commas for speech? Did you remember that each new speaker should be on a new line? Have you missed a line for each new paragraph?

Finally, have you included enough Stone Age detail? e.g. Did your characters go hunting and gathering? Did they do or see any cave art? Where did they sleep? Were they still nomadic or were yours based in the Neolithic period? Had they settled on a farm and began to grow crops?

Use all that knowledge you have of the Stone Age to help improve your story! Good luck!


Counting 1 - 20



Pick a reading book from your home, looking at the front cover, what do you think it will be about? Read the blurb, were you correct?

Spend 20 minutes reading the book and think about what it is you like about the book, is there anything you don't like? Why?

Home Learning 8/1/25

Maths - Fractions

Year 3 Fractions - Year 3 Maths - BBC Bitesize

Stories & Poems

Kids’ Poems and Stories With Michael Rosen - YouTube

Home Learning 9/1/25



Draw a picture of the scene from your window today. Use pencil to shade and add colour afterwards. (If you can see any colour with all of this new snow).


Using a five part plan (introduction, build up, problem, resolution, ending), plan and write a story based on a Stone Aged Boy or girl. Use what you have learned about the Stone Age to help you add Stone Age detail, you could also do some online research relating to the Stone Age.

Remember, each section should be split into paragraphs (leave a clear line).

I would like you to use a range of time adverbs/fronted adverbials e.g. One Sunny morning, late one night, suddenly, next, before long, after a while, the following morning, etc..)

Also use a range of conjunctions (subordinating & coordinating - See document attached below).

Remember, you need to create an atmosphere by providing lots of detail about the setting.. e.g. The cave was eerily silent, so cold and dark, Ted wondered whether he should venture any deeper.

Use inverted commas for any dialogue (speech). Remember to, use alternatives for said and new speaker, new line. You could also add further information about how they spoke (adverbs) e.g. slowly, quietly, frantically, etc..

Good luck and I will look forward to reading them soon.