Year 2 2024 - 2025

"Do everything in love” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Learning to love, loving to learn

Welcome to Year 2

Our staff

Mrs Lamb (Monday-Thursday) and Miss Webster (Friday) are our class teachers and Mrs Humphreys (Monday-Wednesday am) and Mrs Pearson (Wednesday pm-Friday) will be supporting our learning.

The following information tells you a little more about the coming term in Year 2 and your child's learning. However, if you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

General information

  • Please tie up long hair.
  • Please have a bottle of water at school everyday. This can be refilled as necessary.
  • Please return your homework and complete My Maths on or before Thursday for marking. Homework will be sent out on a Friday.
  • Reading diaries will be checked on a Friday. Please ensure your child has read at least 4 times..
  • All school uniform should be named.
  • A full PE kit should be in school at all times.

PE is timetabled for Wednesday and Friday during Autumn 1. This will be outside whenever possible so please account for this when sending in your child's PE kit.

Autumn Half Term 1 2024

Welcome Year 2!

Mrs Lamb, Mrs Humphreys, Mrs Pearson and Miss Webster are excited to welcome you to your new classroom and learning. This year we have some exciting topics and experiences in store. We look forward to a fantastic year.

Our Christian Values

During the Autumn term, our Christian value is Love.

"We love each other because he loved us first." 1 John 4:19 


In our first half term we will use 'Troll Swap' by Leigh Hodgkinson to develop our writing skills.

Troll swap image (1).jpg


Our weekly routine will include spelling and grammar and guided reading sessions. Reading at home continues to be essential.

Our Pathways to Read text will be 'The Troll' by Julia Donaldson.

The Troll image.jpeg


We will use Pathways to Spell as part of our English lessons to develop spelling strategies and learn spelling rules, as well as the Year 2 Common Exception Words.


As mathematicians, the children will learn through concrete experiences moving onto pictorial and abstract methods as their confidence builds. They will also be expected to use their learning to reason about maths and solve problems,


As scientists, we aim to develop our knowledge and understanding, scientific skills and measuring and recording abilities. This half term we will be investigating animals, including humans.


As historians, we will be investigating the three most famous queens of England - Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II.


We will be focusing on the United Kingdom and what kind of place it is. We will be labelling maps with the four countries of the United Kingdom and we will be looking at each countries geographical features.


For RE we will continue to use the Questful RE planning. This half term we will explore the Bible and why it is such a special book.

Courageous Advocacy

As we continue to live our lives and act out the teachings of Jesus, we will look to be courageous advocates and improve our school environment by using the litter pickers that we make in DT to ensure we have a clean and tidy school.


Our PE will concentrate on invasion games with a focus on sending and receiving and kicking and dribbling. We will also focus on our balance and co-ordination in gymnastics.

Art and DT

As artists, we will study Paul Cezanne and will create still life in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We will look at the effects of light and will explore a range of brushstrokes.


In PHSE, we will follow the Heartsmart scheme. This will start with us reminding ourselves about the importance of keeping our emotional and mental heart healthy.


This term we will be focusing on IT around us, digital phtotgraphy, self-image and identity and online relationships.

Possible trips and visitors

We are currently exploring possibilites for trips across the year.

Year 2: News items

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Year 2: Blog items

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Year 2: Gallery items

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Year 2: Calendar items

Family Assembly, by Mrs Roberts

Inset Day, by Mrs Roberts